Top 5 Uses For Industrial Concrete Flooring in California

Choosing the best industrial flooring for your facility is a decision that weighs a lot of factors. Is it better to replace the entire floor and start fresh with new flooring systems – or to restore the existing concrete? What design options are the most popular, and how customizable are they? What safety issues need to be addressed when installing new floor coating? You will find all answers here and also know about the top 5 uses for industrial concrete flooring in California.

If these questions are popping into your head, you are not the only one. There are numerous types of industrial flooring, but concrete is certainly one of the most sought-after building materials used today. Polished concrete floors have been a safer and longer-lasting alternative to many other flooring systems – especially when it comes to industrial uses.

Below, we are showing you the five top uses for industrial concrete flooring systems, and why choosing such an option makes up for a solid decision. But before we do that, let’s review some of the common types of industrial flooring for your commercial space.

The Best Types Of Industrial Concrete Floors

Below, you will see why concrete is a standard option for commercial flooring, and how this flooring system can help you get the best return on investment. You’ll see examples of epoxy and vinyl flooring and based on these types, will be able to select the right concrete flooring solution for your needs.

Decorative Quartz Epoxy Flooring

Decorative Quartz Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy coatings are considered seamless and resinous flooring systems that come in different colors. The result is a stylish and durable floor that can be installed in varying degrees of thickness. You can’t go wrong with an epoxy coating, especially if you need a sanitary, slip-resistant, and long-lasting floor covering.

Vinyl Flake Epoxy Flooring

Vinyl Flake Epoxy Flooring

Another type of epoxy coating is the vinyl flake floors, which are great for decorative looks and resemblant to expensive granite. The tradeoff with vinyl flooring is that it comes at much more affordable prices (compared to granite) and shares the benefits of epoxy flooring.

Epoxy Mortar Flooring

Epoxy Mortar Flooring

There are different mortar flooring types meant for industrial flooring. Their rigid characteristics make them perfect for these facilities – mortar floors aid against slips or falls with their added texture, and can bear heavy loads without showing any cracks.

Polished Concrete

Polished Concrete

Polished concrete floors come in multiple options (exposed polishing, stained concrete floor polishing, the salt, and pepper polished concrete floor, etc.) depending on your unique needs. Their shared benefits include slip resistance, improved lighting and reflectivity, availability for heavy cuts, and great durability.

While a tile floor in an industrial facility will show wear and tear and retain odors, concrete floors are known to be stain-resistant and perfect for commercial spaces.

The Best Uses For Your Industrial Concrete Floor

As you could see from the above mentioned, concrete flooring is a great option because of its aesthetic looks, great durability, cost-effectiveness, safety, and easy-to-maintain properties. Now, let’s see the top uses for your concrete flooring systems.

1: Multi-story car parks and garages

Multi-story car parks and garages - Industrial Concrete Flooring California

Multi-story car parks are a common use case for concrete floors. While in the past these used to be made with cement, now they are made of concrete flooring to prevent stains, distract moisture, and withstand paint more effectively. Designers have also recognized the need to improve safety and security, which is where the long lifespan of concrete flooring comes into action.

The durability of the structural frame is an important aspect when designing these car parks. Concrete will withstand heavy loads of vehicles but also effectively prevent tire marks, all while preventing vibration, offering inherent fire resistance and robustness.

2: CNC machining industries

CNC machining industries - Industrial Concrete Flooring California

Concrete is one of the most durable flooring materials with low maintenance and exceptional handling of heavy loads and foot traffic. When properly installed, concrete will withstand a wide scope of stresses such as the compressive wear from the weight of the CNC machines, the abrasion from their metal shavings or other particles, the heavy and sharp tools that can be dropped around the machine, and the material’s protection against harsh chemicals such as acids, solvents, and oils that could leak or be spilled.

Having concrete commercial flooring is a great decision for any business with a CNC machine. Sealed concrete floors, and an option that comes with a relatively low installed cost. Properly sealed concrete floors are durable and create the perfect environment for heavy machines, preventing repetitive damage which may also cause suspension issues and require frequent equipment repairs.

3: Manufacturing facilities

Manufacturing facilities - Industrial Concrete Flooring California

If your business is into manufacturing and you need a solid floor for your commercial area, concrete is one of the materials that stand the best odds for durability and cost-effectiveness. These floors excel when it comes to wet areas, help keep the dirt away, and are easy to repair.

The appearance of polished concrete finish won’t present a need for repair – it is also denser and harder, which is what makes it effective on the untreated concrete slabs that make industrial floors. Not only it will present a stable structure you can place all your machinery and tools on – but concrete will also create a surface that is comfortable for the staff and unlike any other material, whether it’s tiles or vinyl flooring.

4: Food & beverage industries

Food & beverage industries - Industrial Concrete Flooring California

Did you know that concrete floors protect against moisture and offer great protection against corrosive chemicals?

This is especially helpful in the food and beverage industry, where a concrete ground eases up on maintenance and ensures protection for long periods of time. Concrete also beats tiles and carpet flooring for a room where foods and beverages are either produced or prepared.

Plenty of large food chains are among our customers, relying on stained concrete for their and the unique needs of their space. A concrete floor presents a surface that is easy to clean and take care of, not to mention its great resistance to chemicals.

5: Automotive assembly plants

Automotive assembly plants - Industrial Concrete Flooring California

Lastly, there aren’t many flooring options that can form and determine the ideal solution for your needs. However, if you are looking for the ideal flooring solution for automotive assembly buildings, concrete is a great option.

We all know that the automotive industry doesn’t end at the assembly line – it actually continues on into areas where vehicles are kept to maintain, repair, or upgrade. In all of these instances, concrete offers tremendous durability, scratch, impact, and chemical resistance. Whether you are grinding machinery onto it or placing heavy assembly lines, the quality and flexibility of concrete are unparalleled for any automotive plant floor.

Interested In A Quote For Your Concrete Slab Project?

Now that you know that concrete is a durable, easy to maintain, and affordable flooring material for your needs, it’s time to get a quote for your commercial needs. You can do that fairly easily – Contact us, and we’ll show you the benefits of all concrete flooring options and give you a quote for your industrial or commercial facility.