Businesses use high-quality epoxy floors to give them a platform that supports all of their operations. Many of these companies rely on the strength and durability of the floors. Others look at the ease of installation and maintenance of such systems.

Here are the top three types of businesses that use epoxy floors:

1. Factories and Warehouses

Factories have heavy machinery and other equipment that
Extreme epoxy coatings fresno home slide 1800x800require a floor that is tough and durable. Forklifts, trolleys, and other moving equipment need a flooring system that can support their weight. The same is true with high-end manufacturing equipment and other machinery found in such a business. Epoxy floors are super-tough and can withstand the impact forces. These can be in the form of vibrations coming from machines and equipment.

Not only do epoxy floors provide a stronger platform for machines; they also provide a much safer workplace for everyone in the factory. These floors are very easy to clean. It allows manufacturers to control dust and other particles from ever affecting the optimum operating performance of their equipment. They can choose high-quality resinous epoxy floors such as those that provides.

Factories and warehouses can also use textured epoxy floors to help improve slip resistance. This will prevent accidental falls and slipping of equipment wheels. It is one way to safeguard the health and safety of everyone in the factory or warehouse.

2. Food and/or Beverage Production

Extreme Epoxy Coatings FresnoBusinesses in the food and beverage industry can also benefit from the use of epoxy floors. Food and beverage manufacturing requires very strict standards of hygiene and sanitation. This helps ensure that their products will remain free of any contaminants. These contaminants can have an effect on the health of consumers.

These businesses always aim for ISO or IFS certification as well as other types of recognition. One of the fundamental requirements of these certifying bodies is a hygienic environment. Epoxy floors provide such a platform. This type of flooring is seamless. There are no gaps on the surface where germs and other particles can get into.

The resinous surface of epoxy floors also traps dirt, dust, and other particles. These particles will not have the chance to get airborne and contaminate the food and beverage products. Epoxy floors also make it a lot easier to clean. It allows businesses to spend more resources on its operation than on cleaning its facilities.

3. Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals

epoxy floors california- Extreme Epoxy CoatingsCompanies in the biological and pharmaceutical industry have the strictest standards when it comes to sanitation and hygiene. They have controlled environments that adhere to the highest possible sanitation standards. Most of the people working in these companies wear sterilized garments. This is to make sure they do not introduce any harmful substance or particle into the formulation of pharmaceutical products.

Those engaged in the production of biologicals like vaccines and serum conform to even higher and stricter standards. They deal with microorganisms that will help in protecting the health of consumers. As such, they do not want any contaminants to get into any of their biologicals.

High-quality epoxy floors can meet the very strict standards of sanitation and hygiene of accrediting bodies. They can provide pharmaceutical and biological companies the kind of surface that minimizes dust and other particles. These are not slippery, too. It helps prevent accidents that can undermine the entire operation. Many of the equipment used in these businesses are high-precision. Using epoxy floors can also keep the integrity of these machines.

Food and beverage and pharmaceutical companies trust epoxy floors to help them ensure smoother operation. The same is true with factories and those companies with warehouses. These are the top 3 types of businesses that use epoxy floors.

Contact Extreme today for all your Epoxy Flooring needs across California!